Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Poker Night Birthday

The weekend started with a very Happy Birthday Party for our friend Brian. He turned 30 and we all celebrated with a night filled with POKER. Once I learned how to play and was slightly advised (in the tutorial round only...of course!) I did quite well. I then had a huge pile of candy to bet away at my own free will. Unfortunately, we had to cut our night short and I decided at the top of my sugar high to donate my winnings to a couple in need, which I was sorely regreting the next morning when I was ready for more.

Alie and Hayley (with her sorry stash).

Just before doing our good deed of donation...what are the holidays for anyway.

The birthday boy!

The lovely POKER players. We had a blast. Who knew poker was so fun? Thanks for having a birthday Brian.

1 comment:

cassi said...

Linds- looks like you used some of those BUNKO winning skills you acquired way back when to win at Poker!