Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Cards

So Tyler and I had an interesting conversation the other night after dicussing the cost of Christmas Cards...

Ty: "I am so glad you are not one that has to send out Christmas cards each year. Actually, we are 5 for 5 on NOT sending out cards."

ME: Really depressed, furrowed brow look... "yeah, I know" as I consider the intentions I had each year.

Ty: Realizing EXACTLY what I was thinking, "Well, I guess I am just glad that by the time Christmas comes around you have no time or energy to do Christmas cards."

ME: Even more depressed.

So, to those we call friends, don't be offended at the lack of joyful tidings sent your way. Consider

this our


with love

Tyler, Lindsey, Ava Mae, Christian and Fetus Kearl


Erin said...

just think how much you saved on postage...don't worry so far we are 2 for 2 in not sending cards either...i feel depressed like you! love your pic though!

Lindsy Hartsock said...

It's okay, don't feel bad...I'm just going to be doing a cheesy email. Ps...I would never purposely block you out of my blog, cause I just love you wayyyy to much :) You are now oficially invited.

Chelsea Anne said...

Please don't tell me he is referred to as "the Fetus." How about "baby boy", "Tiny Guy","Little Munchkin Kearl". Any thing but fetus.

Your family is smokin' hot by the way.

And I'm not doing a Christmas card either, so don't feel bad.

Lindsey said...

no worries, he doesn't go by fetus, it was little nugget for awhile, but now he has a will soon see!

Tyler Kearl said...

For the record....I love Christmas, love, love them. Just can't get enough.

It's Been a Day! said...

i think you have the right idea though - it's cheaper, easier, and don't even get me started on the stress of getting the perfect picture. merry christmas!!