Ty started to wonder about my excuses once day four came. "Just don't tell me tomorrow that she fell down the stairs"...we don't have stairs! Lucky for me day five was a success!
So I have never been one for drugs, at least the illegal kind, but I have recently discovered that I am no better than any pot head out there!
So I became a little under the weather this weekend, or rather completely under the weather feeling quite confident the end was coming soon. So after numerous calls to the doctor it was determined that I had an infection. YIPEE...Let's fix it! So they give me medicines to help the infection and then tell me all the other things I should be doing to get rid of it, one of which is diet.
"Just make sure you stay away from diary products and anything with sugar (including fruit!!!) and artificial sweeteners." The list goes on, but my point can stop right there. No Sugar?? But, I was certain this couldn't be too bad...I was wrong!
I wasn't ever one to say, yet alone follow through with the idea of not eating sugar or candy for a year, a month, or even a day! And now here I am being faced with a crucial decision every time I walk into the kitchen...pain or sugar? Believe it or not the pain has actually winning. Besides a few swigs of cranberry juice I have been clean for 2 days now!
In result...I don't eat! (well, I eat, just not much...maybe a good thing) I cannot find anything appetising to me. I am actually okay with lunch and dinner, because I can have veggies, meat and rice or something, but breakfast is the worst. Who wants a bowl of oatmeal without the brown sugar?
So there you have it, I have admitted my addiction and I am having withdrawals! I am realizing even though a lot of the foods I can't eat are good for you, a lot of them are not so good for you. So when this is over (hopefully a week or so) I am hoping this cold turkey approach will at least help me modify my sugar intake!
A few questions:
When does the shaking stop? Which day in the quitting process does it start getting easier? And better yet, does anyone know of any "treats" without sugar (or artificial sweetener)?
Oh don't worry I am only kidding, and I am not depressed! I am actually loving having the 2 kids. My life has just changed so dramatically I haven't gotten into a routine enough to actually sit at my computer daily, which is killing me! But don't worry I am jumping back! I went out on my own with 2 kids today...no help! It is a day for improvements!
So my darling little kids...
Ava had her second birthday on the 1st of March. She was hilarious! You've never seen someone get so excited about a doll and stroller that she already has a ton of. But, her new baby comes everywhere with her! She loves it. When she first saw it she ran around in circles screaming!
Notice Ava's baby in her chair with her, ready to eat cake!
We take pics of Ava in my wedding dress on her birthday each year, so here is one of them.
So what do you think...me or Ty? As always, more cute pics at smugmug.