For you, this means Christmas.
For me, this means Christmas AND a Baby. A baby, I might add that has hardly been thought about up to this point. Don't get me wrong we are so excited to have this little nugget come join our family, but man it is hard to think about pregnancy, or future plans with two little ones and loads (and I mean loads) of work to do. I have scheduled freedom in 3 weeks when I deliver the last of my holiday orders! I think that the nesting instinct is really helping to motivate me. I am even ahead of schedule (knock on wood). YAY! Then it is all about getting ready for Christmas and this baby.
So for the last 2 weeks and the next 3 weeks I have been and will be seeing a lot of this...

Yes, Christian is in a tutu. He loves it. My favorite combination, which I regret not photographing was the tutu, superman cape, pink rain hat, and princess slippers...he looked great. Ava's age seems to be helping her out, she looks a little more put together.
I have also seen a lot of this...

If Christian isn't sitting in this basket with animals on top, he is wearing it over his head, walking around like a crazy man.
Hey, at least they can entertain themselves (and each other). I am starting to realize the awesome benefit to having them fairly close together. They love their playdates!