Friday, May 8, 2009

What a good little Mommy!

Here is a pic of Mr. Bennett Man. He's barely 4 months and 17 pounds and almost 26 inches. What can I say, we build 'em tough!

(Thanks to the real mr. bennett for the pic.)

So my little man is a sleeping champ. A good 11 hours will do the kid. I'm lovin it. On the other hand, my other, little-mr. number one has been taking his turn in the wee hours of night. Apparently he just wants a little extra attention (and moc...or milk) at 2:00am. Not so great. So he would wake up, scream out and wake up my little pro sleeper. The only thing worse than one child awake at 2am is 2 children awake at 2am. So we did what all loving parents do. We turn the door knob around and locked him in his room. We then popped up the port-o-crib into our dead-to-the-world sleeper girl's room to let the C man work it out for a couple nights and get back into a good routine.

So we were a couple nights into it, and it is working great. All kids sleeping. 7:30am rolls around and I start to hear Bennett making his morning coo's accompanied by miss ava jabbering away to him. At this point I am well aware that she is in the port-a-crib with him (a common occurrence). Eventually Bennett starts fussing for a minute, followed by reassurance from ava that she is there. Tyler hops out of bed to go intervene when suddenly bennett stops crying. Tyler soon comes to get me to come see. I walk in the room to see ava holding bennett in a cradle position, her shirt pulled up and bennett LATCHED ON to her umm...upper stomach. Ava was gently saying, "It's okay, I'll feed you."



Hayley said...

i'm laughing out loud. that's hilarious. i hope you quickly gave him some real nourishment.

The Mostess said...

Hahaha...yowza. Tell her to slow her roll for a few years!

Jonny K said...

I honestly cannot stop laughing...hahahahahahahaha. brilliant.

Alie said...

Very funny!!! What a good little mom she is going to be.

Kim said...

Oh my gosh that is sooo funny!

It's Been a Day! said...

if only it were that easy! that's a very funny story! that little bennett is so darling.

Kyle and Melanie said...

Oh my gosh...that is hilarious. Ava is going to be a great mommy some day.

Ben and Ashley said...

Lindsey-I found your blog after looking at Uila's. I live in Fremont....Where are you in Santa Clara? i have been playing in a vb league on thursday evenings at Foothill college and coaching at City Beach, so I am down that way often. I am pregnant again, with my 3rd. We just found out it is a boy. I would love to get together and catch up with you. my email is

Erin said...

that was the funniest story about ava! hillarious. kids are so funny! bennett is the same size as brady!

Kearl said...

I'm slightly grossed out. Laughing- yes, but with a kind of eww expression.

Uila said...

I'm laughing out loud. Glad I found your page. Love all the pics!!!! Ah, the joys of having 3 kids!:)

Joe and Amy said...

I love it! that is so funny! She's been trained by the best!