Sunday, February 15, 2009

Love Number 11, 12, 13, and 14

11. Bennett

This guy is awesome. There is nothing sweeter than a newborn baby. It is so fun to see his already developing attributes. I can't wait to see how his personality evolves and . I love his sweet lips and his chubby arms that are covered in baby fuzz. I'm so lucky to have this guy in my life from here on out.

(photos taken by Meghan Macaskill)
12. Christian

This little guy makes me smile. He's hard not to love.

13. Ava Mae

She's crazy. I think that is why we love her so much.

14. Ty

Of course I have to include my main squeeze for my Vday "loves". What's not to love.


Kristina said...

Bennet is sooo cute! I love those pictures. I am so glad that the meds are making him feel better!!

The Mostess said...

Super cute pics. I love Ava's 'crazy' picture...haha.

Kathy said...

Such sweet pictures of Bennet!

Erin said...

such cute pics of everyone!

Sara said...

I periodically look at this post because Ava makes me burst out laughing once I scroll down to that pic. Love it. When can she fly over here to hang out with me?