Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my ice cream and eating out for all my random cravings. But really, all I really want is...


I love it. Is that normal? I crave ICE all the time. I thought cravings were supposed to help with deficiencies. Am I really just thirsty? ...weird...I'm off to serve myself a nice large cup of ice.


Erin said...

i crave ice too! that is all I eat every night, like 4 huge cups of it! It's amazing! Don't worry you are not alone in this weird craving!

Rich and Lisa Davis said...

Hi Lindsay, Wow three kids!! That's awesome. I always craved ice when i was pregnant. I heard that means you are low on iron...go eat a steak and broccoli

Jen D. said...

I also always craved ice when I was pregnant and also was told it meant I was low on iron. I found the best ice to be at the hospital. So when I would go to the doctors office I would swing by the cafeteria in the hospital next door for a cup of ice. The ice is really small and round. It was perfect for chewing. :) I am with you on the ice cravings.

Kearl said...

I heard craving or at least wanting to chew ice meant a different kind of craving.

Cloward Family said...

Yes! I am not the only one! Ice was the single craving I had while prego-my-eggo! I would buy the bag full at Sonic of the amazing "poop" ice! Sad to say, I'm paying for it now... my teeth are so sensitive! Even after two years!

Joe and Amy said...

Ice sounds good.

Good luck in these next few weeks. I was due with Abby on Christmas day while we lived in Spokane, but I booked an airline ticket for Christmas Eve to go home to Utah and told the doctor I had to have the baby in order to make the flight. He agreed to induce and I made the flight with my 5 day old baby. Nuts, but we survived. If your doc in CA is anything like mine here in CA (won't do elective inductions), you might just get that Christmas baby! Good luck! We'll be thinking of you!

Lance and Kara Ford Family said...

I heard if you crave ice you are lacking iron.... I think... Ask your doctor :) Good luck with your new baby soon to come!!