Friday, August 29, 2008

Our Poor Little Buddy

We had a confirmation last night...
Christian cannot fly.

As I was building a fort out of blankets throughout my front room I looked over just in time to see Christian falling backwards off of their little play table. The result, a broken collarbone, which thus results in not a whole lot of fun, for him OR me! He has to where a sling, which he hates. He still tries to use his arm and ends up crying everytime.

Last night at almost 10pm when Ty FINALLY got home from Urgent care with Christian. He was so zonked, with his sucker that hadn't even been licked!


Amanda said...

Poor little guy. I tried explaining to Kimball and Sammy what happened. I was hoping to scare them out of jumping on the couch anymore, but it hasn't worked. How long does he have to wear the sling? Maybe when we see him next week the boys will understand a little better about what happened.

allegra said...

oh no! sorry about his collar bone. my hubby broke his when he was two by falling off a counter:) so sad. i hope he recovers with out getting too frustrated! he sure is adorable. by the way your business looks like so much fun. what a great idea. darling color choices too. i was given a kit at a baby shower to do that same sort of thing.. for each year of his life up until age 4, but it's just a white mold not cute colors! i still need to mold his hands/feet for the first year....

The Mostess said...

Oh no...hoping for a speedy recovery!

Brad and Kelli said...

So sad! We hope he feels better soon!

Rebecca said...

Oh, so sorry to hear about what happened to little Christian. I have broken three collarbones. One of them belonged to my 18-month-old little brother -- I was playing with him on my parents' bed and bounced him right off of it. Another one belonged to my 4-year-old brother (different brother than the first one) -- he jumped on my back when I was on the floor watching tv (I was 11) and I grabbed him (playfully, of course) and flipped him over my head -- whoops. And the third one belonged to me -- I was 12 and playing tackle football with my brothers and took a helmet to the collarbone (I had just removed the shoulder pads because it was too hot). So, yeah, I've had some experience with broken collarbones. It's not fun. I'm sure you've already figured that out. Hope he's feeling better really soon.

Chelsea Anne said...

Oh, so sorry:( Poor tiny guy. I wish a speedy recovery for the both of you.

hayleyrowan said...

thats so sad. poor little guy.

Natalie said...

That is so pathetic..hope he's doing better in time for Disneyland. We didn't figure out how close we were until the last day we were there...we contemplated calling but it was Sunday & very last minute, so we just said hopefully we'll see them in a couple weeks. It's just getting perfect around here with all the huge crowds being gone & perfect weather. You're going to have a fab time.

cassi said...

Oh, so sad! Hope he's doing better.

Gilly Funk said...

Poor little guy! And poor you! That must be so hard for him.

Cicely said...

Fish! Holy Fish!

Get a load of you, my hilarious little friend! I'm so sorry about your little man. And I'm sorry for you as the Mom. Sucks.

Did you know that we are due on the same day- I think? and Erin Brynn Webb Graybill? That's nuts. We were all gettin down at the same time. Not apporiate?

I miss you. Your tiles are awesome.


Mandi said...

Ah, I am not looking forward to serious injuries! I can hardly handle little ones! He sure does look cute with a sling on!

Erin said...

poor thing! hopefully he is doing much better now!