Last night as I heard of the passing of the dear president of my church, Gordon B. Hinckley I had a few solemn moments. However, after a few minutes I couldn't help but smile thinking of what a great thing was going on at that moment. I volunteered as an usher for the Gladys Knight Saints Unified Voices Choir. Gladys has a calling in our church to direct this choir and go from place to place with them testifying of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was amazing, she brought SOUL to wonderful hymns. She and her husband, who joined the church after their marriage testified to all of their conversion to the "true church". It was powerful, touching many people of other faiths and informing them of the fullness of this gospel. If any of you have the opportunity to attend this performance, take it! You could see how happy the gospel has made these fantastic people and they wanted to shout it on the rooftops. Well, it was quite contagious. I thought, what a better tribute to our beloved prophet, who taught the gospel so publicly and in such a bold manner than to follow his example. The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints makes me so happy. It puts meaning and purpose in my life. I see the blessings it gives to me everyday. Jesus Christ is at the head and has called a prophet for our guidance here on earth, just as he had the apostles after his death for it is His same gospel, restored. How lucky I am to have this knowledge.
"In all of life, have much fun and laughter; life is to be enjoyed, not just endured."
-Gordon B. Hinckley
There you have it...spread the word.