Tuesday, April 17, 2007

My Little Man!

I love dressing Christian as a LITTLE MAN! He looked so handsome at church Sunday I just had to show you all!


Natalie said...

Linds, so cute! I love the little man clothes. But...I have a bone to pick with you. Your smugmug site is darling but the bridesmaid pics from your wedding have got to go! They are terrible, not everyone, just me! Tyler was laughing so hard, he couldn't stop. Anyways, you don't really have to take them down but i've never seen them and it was SHOCKING! Love you though and they bring back such fun memories. Rememeber the trip to DC and you were just falling for Tyler, that was so fun, so glad to be a part of that amazing time in your life. Miss you.

P.S. Sorry about the novel

Chelsea Anne said...

Sooo handsome. Aren't little boys fun?

hayleyrowan said...

Oh Nat, you're a total babe. That seems like a really long time ago when I look at those pictures.

Linds, Christian is such a stud.

It's Been a Day! said...

I love dressing up the kiddos! I guess we have to take advantage of them not having a say in what they wear!!