Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Our Euro Visitors

My sister Amber and her family came from Prague to visit.  Our kids are really close in age and so it is so fun when they get together.  Most of the visit was spent to hanging out and playing at the house, with frequent trips to the AB&G (Allendale Bar and Grill).  We had a blast though.

The girls insisted on all sleep in Ava's bed.
 We made cookies and went caroling to some neighbors.  Our neighborhood is SOOO great.  Ava was leading the singing at the doors and on the third stop she decided she had had enough of jingle bells and started singing "I like to look for rainbows" (a church song).  It was awesome.
 Umm, Christian you are looking fierce with that frosting on your cheek!

 Baby Livs.  Oh, how I love you.  And she even let me hold her before they were leaving!
Such a superb visit.  Come back soon!


As I hope to illustrate in a later post, we have STILL been working on a lot of projects.

ALL of us...

November's Nutshell

November was nice.  Pretty good weather and my parents came to visit, which was great.  While they were here we went into the city to see The Rockettes at Radio City.  It was fun and kept the kids pretty entertained (except Christian).
We walked the kids like crazy, but they were champs!

 Mom and Pops
 The Fam
 Later that day, which was the day before Thanksgiving we went to see the pre-parade fun.  They blow-up all the balloons and you can walk around and see them all.  I was told it was "magical".  Umm...not so much.  The balloons were netted down and figuring out what they even were was sometimes a challenge.  I don't know why I expected different.  But, we met some friends there and had a blast losing each other in the crowd.
Ty carried this 33 lb chunk on his back all day.  Bless you Ty, bless you.
 Ty and Christian in front of what we think to be Buzz, hold all $22 of M&Ms that we purchased at the M&M store.  Why are they better from that store?
We did celebrate Thanksgiving with my parents, but I cannot find any pictures.  I swear I at least took one of the table.
This year we were grateful for:
New/old friends and family
Our house
Dead chipmonks

hello again.

hello again.  I have had quite the hiatus.  In fact, I typed in my URL only to find that my computer did not remember it.  Wow.

So.  We are going back, way back...for record sake.
Mr. B Man as...Yoda
 Luke and Yoda waiting for princess Leia to parade out of her school.
 The Gang.  We later found out that we had princess Leia's costume all wrong...that crown, is a belt.  I didn't think she ever wore a crown. :)