Today and everyday.
Yes, it is Sunday and no, accounting firms don't understand that a month without any weekend days off is not good for anyone. So while he is off working insane hours, his twin brother, Jon came to visit. He got to hang out with us a ton. It was awesome. I can't wait for them to get off the large island they are living on and move back to us.

Jon went to our ward Christmas party with me...without Tyler. It was the entertainment for the night. Jokes were attempted, people were fooled, and many laughs were had. Tyler made it to the end of the the same hat :)
Jon was a big help to me while Ty was working. People even commented, "I thought he was Tyler, he was totally helping with the kids. Brother-in-laws don't help with kids." Well, folks, Jon does...I think he knew I needed it :)
Last year Christian got really attached to Jon while he was in town, being quite confused who was his dad. This year he had a little more confidence in who his dad was, but not quite enough. EAch time Tyler or Jon walked in he looked at me and said, "Mommy, is that uncle dog or daddy?" The second day we came into our room first thing in the morning, jumped up on our bed (seeing Tyler) and said, "hey, it's uncle dog!" When I replied that it was daddy he said, "Me have two daddies!" Awesome.
Another weekend activity was Santa.
We tried Santa last year.
Not bad. Is that a smile I see on her face?
Anyone notice anything about our cute little "family" Santa Claus picture.
This was the result.
My kids weren't fans of him. This year I knew it was going to be good when Ava started into one of her usual anxiety fits when she heard we were going to see him. She had absolutely no interest in sitting on his lap, or even seeing him for that matter.
Well it went better than expected. I had to start in the picture, but was able to sneak out for a few. After Ava had kept as much distance from Old Kris Kringle as possible she walked away and whispered in my ear, "Mom, does he know I want some Littlest Pet shop and a 2 wheeled scooter?" I assured her he did and she was satisfied.
Christian, on the other hand was thrilled to tell Santa what he wanted.
Not bad. Is that a smile I see on her face?
Anyone notice anything about our cute little "family" Santa Claus picture.
Thanks Sara and Kate for lending us your husband and father!