Can you believe I got my hair like that? I'd like to give myself credit, especially since I am certain my mom was still doing these do's for me through the 80's. Ty's style only took about 10 minutes of blowing dry!
We watched "Footloose" the night before so that we would be ready for the dance and apparently it did the job. We had a dance off, the winners be none other than yours truly! Ty was a dancing machine. He busted out moves that surprised even him. At one point he even found himself spinning on the floor after a few break dancing moves. But what won us the contest? Well, I danced half way down the line, stopped lifted my dress and Ty slid right on through my legs. It really was quite the sight! What a cool husband I have! We really had one of the funnest times ever!
The beautiful Kaari and birthday boy Lance, and of course PROM King and Queen.

These our friends Tiff and Steve with their OOPS, high school baby :)
Tracy and Jeff...and the wonderful backdrop...seriously?!